(if greyed out just click on a character and overwrite it with the same character). Step 9) rename “unencryptedsave_edited.sav” back to original name for example “Save0001.sav” then import it back into the advanced bit of Save Wizard, click Apply and you’re done. Step 8) after you have edited save open CMD back up and copy and paste “c:\\python27\python savefile.py – d encrytpedsave.sav unencryptedsave_edited.sav” and press enter. sav file, edit your save how you see fit. Step 7) Now you have a new file in the “c:\BL2” folder called “encrytpedsave.sav” this will now open in Gibbed as an xbox. How to Real Time Memory Edit Badass: Tokens, Rank, Percent Borderlands 2/TPS ProtoBuffers 769 subscribers Subscribe 7.2K views 1 year ago Hello everyone I am finally going to share with you how. Step 6) Open CMD and type “cd \BL2” and press enter and then copy and paste “c:\\python27\python savefile.py unencryptedsave.sav encrytpedsave.sav” and press enter again. It will still consume keys but when you exit the game, the profile.bin wont be updated so you will get all your keys back. One thing you can do, is to change the profile.bin to read only. Gibbed doesnt seem to edit the profile itself. Step 5) Place the file into the folder you made in step 1 and rename it to “unencryptedsave.sav”. Shift keys are linked to your profile and not a character.

Step 4) Export raw save file from Save Wizard using the advanced option. Step 3) Create a new folder on c:\ called BL2 so you have a folder like this “c:\BL2” now place the “savefile.py” here. Step 1) Download the “SaveFile.py” found here “”